My Mother-in-law came from Japan recently and brought home a lot of goodies for us! (Thanks Mom :) We got to try the best cheesecake in the world, got chocolates and A LOT of KitKat. You’ll be surprised with the range of flavors KitKat have in Japan, from their famous green tea flavor to their cherry blossom, grilled corn, miso, sweet potato, earl grey tea, caramel macchiato mcflurry, pounded soybean paste and lemon vinegar (vinegar?), berry wine (ohhh i’d like to try that), golden peach.. and the list goes on. But Mom wanted us to try the “Toasted KitKat”, i tried to follow the pictures at the back since the instructions were in Japanese… I hope i got it right :)



White chocolate :)L1200625

I tried to understand the pictures it as much as i could! L1200620


I toasted it for 2 min…L1200641



It tasted like cookies with KitKat inside :) Not bad. Now i want more!!!

Have you tried this?