Alright… Let’s do a throwback post. If you’ve grown up with me on radio and tv you’d know I’m a ball of energy. I try to make people smile even if i end up looking silly. That’s who I am and I’m not shy about it. Now that I’m married and a little older you could say I’m just a bit more prim and proper. It’s nice to be a lady too sometimes right? =)

BUT… I’m still that kengkoy little Andi that had the guts to audition for the MTV VJ hunt, and  got in, that little Andi that tried to sing in a go-see, got the job and ended up having two music videos, that funny little Andi once in awhile enjoys the silliness.  Cause one thing we all should never lose is the child in us!  Anywhoo, back to the throwback.. I was going through Youtube and ladies and gentlemen (drumroll)…

Here are some videos that will hopefully make you smile and make your day a little better…

Lets sing… And I’m glad its you…


That was not singing, that was screaming! Haha!